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Writer's pictureMichele Wilson

How to prep for Home Remodel Project

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

Home remodel projects should be fun. They shouldn't be a headache. But they also take some planning and preparation. Unless you're fully doing the all the work yourself (Which we don't recommend for the every day homeowner), coordinating a renovation project and having it organized from the get go can help mitigate costs, labor issues, scope creep and delays.

After your project is all done, you want to sit back and be able to enjoy it. Here are our top10 tips/checklist to help prep for the journey and help your project stay on time and budget.

  1. Take before pictures.

  2. List out all the updates you want to add to the space.

  3. Create a board in Pinterest or other design boards to keep all your ideas.

  4. Think about the best time of year for the project. For example plan to paint or refinish your walls when there is less rain and humidity in the air.

  5. Schedule large renovations around your vacation schedule, are you ok going down to one bathroom for a month or 2 while it gets renovated? What about cooking and utilizing your kitchen, it won't be accessible when completely overhauling it.

  6. Allow plenty of extra time for shipping. The supply chain issues and labor shortages are a big issue slowing down projects left and right. Make sure you add extra time allotments to the timeline of your project.

  7. Consult with a construction loan program if you don't have the funds saved up, you may actually have hidden equity you aren't aware of.

  8. Budget an extra 10% for contingencies and unforeseen issues that may arise.

  9. Create a space for everything that revolves around the project. Be it a digital folder on google, or hard copy folder, have one designated space to keep it organized.

  10. Get a minimum of 3 bids/quotes from 3 different general contractors or sub contractors before beginning the project. Even if you have a contractor you want to use, make sure their pricing is inline with the market and you aren't being price gouged.


If you've checked all these off your list then you're ready to start your project.

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